Azienda Vitivinicola Elio Savelli


Sesto Savelli, born in 1901, remains in the memory of those who knew him, as the paradigm of the man good and laborius.
A great lover of horses, he had become famous for his ability to rule them.
At the time, the most important occasion of meeting were the fairs and markets that were held every week neighbors. People and merchants from everywhere came to barter cattle and goods of all kinds, and so Sesto could not miss.
As usual though, in these cases he used to prefer the motorcycle to the horse. Indeed remember him because he raised clouds of white dust darting with his Guzzi 500, one of the few in circulation at that time.
The roar of the motorcycle and the sight of the inevitable hat, made it possible to recognize him from a far and to say hello, while him advancing returned the greeting by raising the last two fingers of the right hand.
Between these passions could not miss the biggest one for the care of its long rows of vines.
Just to quickly reach the vineyard under the walls of the castle, he built a tiny iron ladder, coming out of a little door of the Savelli’s palace, overlooking the highest point, reaching underlying vertically the "Bellaluce" road.

In those days, instead of the vineyards, there were long rows married to opium that he loved caring for personally, following the ancient teachings of the father.
His fame was such as to invoke the brokers since Umbria region, in particular from Gubbio, to reserve the wine destined to the numerous inns.
Still pass down the stories of the festive atmosphere that accompanied those annual events as well as recall Sesto as he passed from commercial operations to effective aid of peasants.
It was customary during the harvest that the peasants, who lived and worked on farms as sharecroppers, after collected and pressed the grapes, they carried those to the master to make half.
It was traditional that on that day they were all invited to lunch in the main house, where grandma Tecla prepared large pans of cod with potatoes.
It was a huge party throughout the countrty and the Savelli palace became the centre of a busy excange of technical and pratical information on the noble art of winemarking.
The palace and in particular his cellar, which at the time was located in the basement of the main house within the walls, became the soul and the logistics centre of this ancient world of everyday relationships.
From all over the world, local farmers and small producers came to test their new wine sample, measure the alcohol content and at all generously Sisto provided his instruments and his wisdom.


Azienda Agricola Vitivinicola Biologica Elio Savelli - Vigneto Bellaluce, Sant'Andrea di Suasa, 61040 Mondavio (PU) ITALY
Tel. +39 335446561 - +39 3284453237 -

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